Sale - Allevamento la Rossella
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Before you have decided to buy any breed of small dog, please be sure to visit our kennel at our web page, a visit to our kennel is of course the best thing to do, for you to make a final decision that you really do need to buy a West Highland White Terrier! Our wonderful Highland Puppies can be brought by contacting us over the telephone, or if you just want to make an inquiry be sure to contact us at our e-mail address!

To our family it is extremely important to get to know you. We want you to make all the right decisions, will one of our La-Rossella Puppy Highlanders fit into your extremely hectic lifestyle. Perhaps a slightly older Highlander or two would be better in your situation.

We have to talk to you to be able to help you. Please do not think of us as High powered salesmen as we are not! We would rather not sell you a dog if you are not totally sure or certain that you can look after one of our special Puppies for perhaps 14 – 18 years of their lives you have to be certain you want to spend your lives with something that is this special! The wait from your reservation date, varies a little for you to take charge of your little Highlanders, we could have a Puppy Highlander almost immediately for you! Or this could take a little longer as nature has a lot to do with all Animals

Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
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