Grooming - Allevamento la Rossella
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The only time you must ever clip a Westy is if He/She should ever fall into Paint or a similar substance Only for this sort of problem only, then at no other time must your Westy ever be clipped A Westy needs to be stripped every 6-7 months on average, this is usual mean while it is enough to just to remember that he needs a comb to be used on his coat at least as often as we do. But sometimes you may have a dog that has a fantastic show coat that seems to grow much quicker than other coats this dog then may need to be looked at every 4 – 6 – 8 weeks if you prefer to keep your dog in a tip top show dog condition. But this choice is for you to decide! Grooming your dog must be a relaxing time for both you and your dog, if you are nervous, or you have lost your temper with someone it is not perhaps a good time to trim and groom your dog! A Westy is an extremely sensitive to your feelings!


*Stripping: is an operation where you remove the dead hair, also by doing this you can roll the coat of your dog at the same time, this means you can keep your dog in tip top condition. Remember a stripped W.H.W.T. will lose little if any coat on your furniture or your clothes! This is why we suggest that you use a metal comb to promote healthy skin also to remove the debris from the coat. Also please remember this! A stripped coat is usually a hard White Coat, and a hard coat is easier to remain White with healthy skin!

Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
Since 1993 we put all our efforts into selecting healthy, typical and beautiful puppies.
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